Starting Todo Webapp
Date: 12 March, 2025. @22:3
I am starting a new project. I want to practice my Django coding skills. I will create a to-do webapp. For more information, please see Todo Web app
CSS Done
Date: 12 March, 2025. @21:7
Yei. A CSS that I kind of like. Simple, without any fancy effects, although I do miss the 90’s marquee…
I am uploading the site now!
Basic Structure Ready
Date: 12 March, 2025. @20:41
I think. I have added more structure to the post list that includes title with link, date, tags and a summary. The tags functionality is nice because it allows me to organise posts according to themes. At the moment i only have the tags “website” and “hugo”, although for some reason the tag links on the list are directing to “/tag” instead of “/tags”. Weird.
Adding Links to List
Date: 12 March, 2025. @20:12
Yey. My website is taking shape! I have added links to the lists, this way I can have a list of any blog posts automatically created with links to them. This is done via the templating language that Hugo uses. Nice!
Creating Site Structure
Date: 12 March, 2025. @20:0
I have now a slightly more organised blog. I am following this site. It is great! Thank you to the owner. Currently I am working on adding templates for the site, list pages and single pages. It is quite easy to make my own template, soon I will be adding my own CSS stylysheet and will be ready to publish the hole site. Yei.
Building My Website
Date: 12 March, 2025. @19:31
I have a list of projects I want to do related to web applications and data science. I decided that I need to record my progress on them somehow and a blog seems to be a way to go. So, the first project is building a site.
After a lot of consideration and trying different platforms, I decided to use Hugo, an open source static site generator. Ironically, building the blog is a project by itself, so I also need to document it (recursivity much?). So…