Support me
If you think my projects are cool and you want to help me, the best way is to contribute to the code via GitHub, sending pull requests or reporting bugs as issues. However, you can also help me maintain them by supporting me with donations (I will greatly appreciate it!). Here are some ways you can donate:
- Send me Brave tips! Brave is a privacy-based browser that blocks ads and pays you with BAT if you sign up for their own. I have been using it for two years now and it is great. It is based on Chrome so all your extensions will work out of the box. See more information here.
- Donate through PayPal. Any amount will be highly appreciated! Make sure to write me a message if you do.
Do you have a GitHub account? Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Open an issue to report bugs.
- Fork to make code contributions and start a pull request.
- Star your favorite project of mine to give it more visibility.
Do you require my expertise? Send me a message through Twitter or Research Gate describing your problem and a payment offer:
- Simple personal pages for curriculum vitae / resume with a .xyz domain.
- Python scripts for data analysis.
- Graphical user interface programs.
- Anything more advanced / different, please let me know and we can discuss it.
Contact me
Questions, suggestions, collaborations or work? Send me an email to